Titanium dioxide photocatalytic coatings for cleaning wall painting surfaces
- Post 15 Travanj 2017
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Predavanja
- Hitovi: 2342
Author: Alicja Sawoniuk
Mentor: Suzana Damiani, MA, Associate Professor
Department of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art, Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków (Poland)
Study programme: Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art MA Programme
Specialization: Paintings (5th year of study)
The presentation concerns the research carried out by the author at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb during her Erasmus+ exchange period, under the mentorship of professor Suzana Damiani. The project was dealing with self-cleaning coatings based on aqueous dispersions of titanium dioxide nanoparticles. Two products were analysed: CristalACTiV™ PC-S7 and CristalACTiV™ S5-300B.
Titanium dioxide is considered to be very promising material for cleaning organic pollutants: it is efficient, inexpensive, non-toxic, compatible with lots of materials. Due to its photocatalytic properties and super-hydrophilic values it is commonly used in industry, especially in outdoor environment. The present work was carried out in order to verify the effectiveness of titania dispersion with interior wall paintings in buon fresco technique. The aim of the project were experimental tests with cleaning and protecting painted surfaces from soot. The photocatalytic activity of the coating on treated surfaces was raised under natural and artificial UV irradiation. Several laboratory tests and analysis (wettability, colorimetry, water vapour transmission) were taken.
Short biography
ALICJA SAWONIUK was born in 1993 in Lublin, Poland. She finished the Norwid Secondary School of Fine Arts in Lublin on specialization of visual designing. In 2012 she has started studies on the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków, Poland, at the Faculty of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art. During the winter semester 2016/17 she was a stipendist of the Erasmus+ Programme in the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, Croatia.