Importance of restoration and conservation of the historical book
- Post 15 Travanj 2017
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Predavanja
- Hitovi: 2325
Authors: Iva Carević, Katija Maškarić and Mia Perković
Mentor: Sanja Serhatlić, Expert Associate
Department of Art and Restoration, University of Dubrovnik (Croatia)
Study programme: Conservation-Restoration (graduate study programme)
Specialization: Paper Materials (1st year of study)
The subject of our presentation is a book Breve Compendivm Nationis Glorisae Totivs Lingvae Illyricae by the author Martin Rosa. It was published in 1638 and is situated in Franciscan monastery in Rožat. Martin Rosa was representative of Franciscan Illyrism. The book is written in Latin and tells about creation of the world, Slavic cultural and political history, their language, geographical position and it is the only remained copy in Croatia.
Process of restoration took place in workshop of paper at University of Dubrovnik. The book is made of three parts which vary in dimension, thickness and in type of print. Through this presentation we'll show the difference between the state of the book when it first arrived in the workshop and after the restoration, as well the old techniques of making water marks, print, etc... Every part of the book required a different approach in restoration process.The book was in very poor state and had many mechanical and chemical damages, especially book cover and binding, because of bad conditions in which it was kept.
Short biographies
IVA CAREVIĆ, born on 15th of September 1994 in Dubrovnik, finished high school Gymnasium in Dubrovnik.
KATIJA MAŠKARIĆ born on 25th of May 1994 in Dubrovnik, finished high school Gymnasium in Dubrovnik.
MIA PERKOVIĆ born on 11th of April 1992 in Zagreb, finished high school Gymnasium in Split.
In 2016, we graduated with bachelor´s degree in Conservation and Restoration of Paper at University of Dubrovnik. We are currently in 1st year of the Master´s programme of Conservation and Restoration of Paper and during our practice at University we´ve done restoration processes on presented book.