Četrnaesta konferencija
- Post 31 Ožujak 2018
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Povijest konferencije
- Hitovi: 5311
////////// Zagreb, 20. – 22. travnja 2017.
_usmena izlaganja
Alicja Sawoniuk (Krakov): Titanium dioxide photocatalytic coatings for cleaning wall painting surfaces
Iva Carević, Katija Maškarić i Mia Perković (Dubrovnik): Importance of restoration and conservation of the historical book
Marcell Miklós (Budimpešta): The conservation of an African sword with scabbard made of skins of Nile reptiles
Maja Potrawiak (Krakov): The conservation of the painting with the depiction of Madonna and Child of Cracow Hodegetria type from the church in Przyłęk Szlachecki : The reconstruction of the background based on existing grounds
Mia Prahin (Zagreb): The examples of detachment of wall paintings practices on Department for Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art (Zagreb)
Tea Borovina (Dubrovnik): Conservation and restoration of an oleography
Katarina Milosavljević (Beograd): Carved stone from the archaeological collection of the late Middle Ages, Gravestone – Krstaca
Paulina Kralka (Krakov): The wayang klitik (kerucil) javanese puppet theatre – research and conservation of five puppets from the National Museum of Ethnography in Warsaw collection
Petra Bohinc i Helena Pucelj Krajnc (Ljubljana): Issues on preservation of heritage in Plečnik's house
Ana Oblak (Ljubljana): The Ecce Homo painting by Leopold Layer : Identifying problems and solutions
Barbara Dragan (Ljubljana): Consolidation of stone sculptures using the biomineralization method
Francis Dragičević i Ivana Vukadin (Split): Producing copies of the Late Bronze Age pottery from Dugiš on the river Cetina
Giulia Allegretti De Lista, Elena Fondacaro i Valeria Pappalardo (Napulj): Restoration of San Giovanni in Fonte baptistery mosaics
Čila Berden i Barbara Škander (Ljubljana): Conservation-restoration of the wall painting Mladina se vključuje v proizvodnjo (Youth are Getting Involved in the Production) by Maksim Sedej and Dana Pajnič
Anezka Jadlovska (Pardubice): The restoration of old print Georgica Curiosa from year 1716
Alicja Sawoniuk (Krakow/Zagreb): The Unknown Saint, the wooden sculpture with polychrome, gilding and silvering; 16th/17th century (?)
Iva Carević, Katija Maškarić, Dora Franetović i Mia Perković (Dubrovnik): Saving the words of Illyric history
Angel Oblak (Ljubljana): Conservation and restoration of Tomos Colibri 03 moped
Sonja Pavin (Zagreb): Crucifixion group : Conservation of polychrome sculptures from St. James chapel at Očura
Josip Nižetić (Split): Restoration of the ancient Roman sculpture Augustus from Narona
Lucija Roce (Dubrovnik): Conservation and restoration works carried out on two wooden, polychrome sculpture of angel torchbearer from the church of St. Margaret in Štinjan
Anđela Aćimović i Monika Sarana (Sarajevo): Restoration of mosaic replica from Stolac
Andrea Šafran, Luka Krešimir Stipić, Marko Rizvić i Ante Pereza (Zagreb): Diocesan Museum waterfalls
Ana Štimac (Zagreb): Conservation and restoration works on the icon Crucifixion with Saints
Opširnije o Konferenciji pročitajte ovdje. Na Konferenciji su gostovali James Black, direktor izdavačke kuće Archetype Publications Ltd. iz Londona, i tvrtka Haga Metal d.o.o. iz Karlovca. Organizatori su priredili obilazak drvenih kapela u Turopolju i Pokuplju uz stručno vodstvo Nevena Bradića (Konzervatorski odjel u Zagrebu).
Osvrt na Konferenciju iz pera splitskih studenata objavljen je na blogu Stažiranje među umjetninama (Tana Marčeta, "14. Međunarodna konferencija studija konzervacije-restauracije, dan prvi"; Leonarda Miletić i Marija Curić, "14. Međunarodna konferencija studija konzervacije-restauracije, dan drugi (posjet drvenim kapelama u Turopolju i Pokuplju"; Ana Marija Lučić, "14. Međunarodna konferencija studija konzervacije-restauracije, dan treći").
Priredila: dr. sc. Sagita Mirjam Sunara, doc. art. (Umjetnička akademija u Splitu, Odsjek za konzervaciju-restauraciju) / Datum zadnje izmjene: 15. travnja 2018.