The wayang klitik (kerucil) javanese puppet theatre – research and conservation of five puppets from the National Museum of Ethnography in Warsaw collection
- Post 15 Travanj 2017
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Predavanja
- Hitovi: 3183
Author: Paulina Kralka
Mentor: Jarosław Adamowicz, PhD
Department of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art; Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków (Poland)
Study programme: Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art MA Programme
Specialization: Paintings (5th year of study)
Wayang klitik is a rare and underresearched type of traditional javanese puppet theatre. The puppets are carved out of wood and have leather arms attached to the corpus. They are also polychromed on both sides. Study and conservation of five puppets from the National Museum of Ethnography in Warsaw collection, that is discussed in this presentation, was conducted as a part of the master thesis at Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow under the guidance of Jarosław Adamowicz, PhD. It aims to provide a comprehensive insight into the technology of wayang klitik puppet making. Therefore, an extensive research has been carried out on identification of the materials used as well as the evaluation of the puppets` state of preservation and the extent of previous alterations and restorations. The gathered data enabled to propose and undertake the proper conservation treatment. A lot of consideration in the project is given to the design of suitable exhibit method that would ensure proper conditions and enable viewers to admire the puppets polychromy on both sides. Removable prosthetics of the missing pieces of puppets to assist interpretation during the exhibit are also discussed.
Short biography
I was born in 1992 in Krakow, Poland. I am currently in my final year of the Conservation and Restoration of Paintings MA Programme at Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow and am doing my master’s work in the Panel Paintings' Conservation Studio. I also hold a BA in Art History from the Jagiellonian University. My research interests focus on the conservation of wood, paper and Asian art. I love travelling, painting, fashion and theatre, whenever my studies allow the above-mentioned activities.