Issues on preservation of heritage in Plečnik's house

Authors: Petra Bohinc and Helena Pucelj Krajnc
Mentor: Tamara Trček Pečak, Associate Professor

Department of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Study programme: Second-Cycle Master's Study Programme Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art
Specialization: Wall Paintings and Stone Plastics (P. Bohnic – 1st year of study, H. Pucelj Krajnc – 2nd year of study)


BOHINC PUCELJ KRAJNCThe theme of this presentation is our individual involvement in a project called Conservation-restoration of Plečnik's house.  The project was run by Institute for protection of cultural heritage, the conservation department of Galeries and museums of city Ljubljana and Museum of architecture and design. The project includes  preservation and conservation-restoration of the house itself and its garden, stabilizing indoor climate conditions (air temperature and relative humidity), managing all movable items and integration of Plečnik's heritage in the life of our society. The presentation will include examples of some problems and complications during the execution of conservation-restoration plan. Petra will explain the overall issues of the climate state inside the house and achievements after the preservation works and Helena will talk about specific objects in the house which require more contemplative approach. We will also try to define our opinions on the matter and present possible solutions.

Short biographies

PETRA BOHINC and HELENA PUCALJ KRAJNC started the Conservation and Restoration of Art study programme on the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana in 2011. During our study, our work was mainly focused on the anorganic materials, especially now on our enrollment for the master's degree. The subject of Petra's  graduation thesis addresses the preventive conservation and its relation to the thermal indoor environment required for the provision of quality cultural heritage conservation. Helena on the other hand explores the grounds  of numerous ethical dilemmas that influenced the selection of conservation-restoration intervention measures on the presentation of the house's movable objects  in a aesthetical and symbolical manner.