The restoration of the 'Jesus Christ the Vine' glass icon
- Post 17 Listopad 2021
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Predavanja
- Hitovi: 912
Author: Olaru Vasilica Iuliana
Mentors: Mirel Bucur, Assistant Professor; Marta-Julia Guttmann, Assistant Professor
Institution: Department of History, Heritage and Protestant Theology; Faculty of Social and Human Sciences; Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (ULBS) (Romania)
Study programme: Conservation-restoration study, 3rd year of study
Specialization: Conservation-restoration of paintings
The study and the restoration of a reverse painting on glass is presented, the icon entitled Jesus Christ the Vine. The first part deals with the Eucharistic theme of Jesus Christ the Vine from an iconographic point of view, showing how this scene was interpreted in the reverse painting on glass centers from Romania in the 18th century (Nicula, Șcheii Brașovului, Alba-Iulia and Făgăraș), and introduces the Grecu brothers, folk artists from Făgăraș, the authors of the reverse painting on glass in question. The second part presents the conservation state of the glass icon and its restoration process.
Speaker's biography
VASILICA IULIANA OLARU was born in Neamț county, Romania, on July 17, 1999. After graduating the high school, she enrolled at the “Lucian Blaga” University in Sibiu, for the specialization Conservation and Restoration. At bachelor level she got acquainted with basic interventions on heritage object. Her major is in restoration of reverse painting on glass. After obtaining bachelor’s degree she intends to continue her studies in conservation-restoration at master level. In her leisure time, she likes to sing, paint, and read.