Methods for Determining Chloride Concentrations in Solutions
- Post 10 Travanj 2019
- By Lovro Ladic
- In Predavanja
- Hitovi: 1234
Authors: Darko Markunović and Ante Šimunović
Mentor: Marta Kotlar, MA, Teaching Assistant
Art and Restoration Department, University of Dubrovnik (Croatia)
Study programme: Second-Cycle Master's Programme of Study in Conservation-Restoration Specialization: Metal (2nd year of study)
The main theme of the presentation will be different quantitative and qualitative methods for determining chlorides in solutions. The whole point of describing these is to determine how precise some of these methods, considering their subjective approach, are.
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Short biography
ANTE ŠIMUNOVIĆ was born on 29th of June 1993. He finished high school at Gimnazija Benedikta Kotruljevića. In 2018, he gained a Univ. Bacc. Degree.
DARKO MARKUNOVIĆ was born in Dubrovnik on 21st of May, 1981, where he finished primary school and classical grammar school.
Ante and Darko are currently on the 2nd year of graduate studies at the University of Dubrovnik, studying Restoration and Conservation at the Department for Metal.